> 文章列表 > 哪些国家会给中国拜年英语





1. 英国:Happy New Year! In England, people celebrate the Chinese New Year by sending greeting cards or greetings on social media. They may also have Chinese-inspired decorations during this time of the year.

2. 美国:Happy Chinese New Year! In the United States, Chinese communities organize parades and cultural events to celebrate the Chinese New Year. People exchange greetings and gifts to celebrate the holiday.

3. 澳大利亚:Wishing you a prosperous Chinese New Year! In Australia, Chinese New Year is celebrated with fireworks, lion and dragon dances, and traditional Chinese food. It is a time for people to come together and celebrate the start of a new year.

4. 加拿大:Happy Spring Festival! In Canada, Chinese New Year is celebrated in Chinatowns across the country. There are lion and dragon dances, cultural performances, and street markets selling traditional Chinese goods.

5. 新加坡:Gong Xi Fa Cai! In Singapore, Chinese New Year is a public holiday and is celebrated with family gatherings, feasts, and traditional rituals. The streets are adorned with festive decorations and there are parades and performances throughout the city.
